
AG Advokat contributes to ICLG construction and engineering publication
Partner Ola Ihse and associate Vincent Edberg have authored the Sweden-chapter of the recently published International Comparative Legal Guides’ (ICLG) 2022 publication on Construction and Engineering Laws and Regulations.

AG Advokat contributes to the Legal 500 country comparative guide – Construction
Partners Ola Ihse and Håkan Bjerle, together with associate Vincent Edberg, have authored Legal 500’s 2021 chapter about construction law and regulations in Sweden.

AG Advokat is top ranked in Real estate and Construction
Legal 500 recently published its 2021 ranking of Europe’s leading law firms. AG Advokat is ranked in ‘tier 1’ in Real estate, and in tier 2 in Construction.

Chambers & Partners ranks AG Advokat within Real Estate practice area
AG Advokat has once again been ranked by Chambers & Partners Europe in the Real Estate practice area.

AG Advokat advises real estate company in connection with procurement of construction contracts in Hagastaden
The real estate company Castellum will construct an office property called Infinity in Hagastaden, Stockholm.