About the Firm


At AG Advokat, we work towards achieving sustainable solutions both in the short and in the long term. Our sustainability plan is based on our current conditions, but we strive to broaden our focus as the work develops.

AG Advokat supports the United Nation’s 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Based on the materiality assessment which we have completed, as well as the requirements and expectations of our key stakeholders, we have decided to focus our work based on the following Global Goals:

Based on the materiality assessment we have also identified our firm’s key issues, these are linked to the areas of employee wellbeing, social conditions, human rights, anti-corruption, and environmental impact.

Senior management has appointed a sustainability group, which is tasked to initiate and coordinate work to be carried out in different parts of the organisation. The group includes representatives from across the firm.

Should you have any questions, please get in touch with Matilda Lewerin Axelsson at [email protected].


Additional information


The sustainability- and reporting consultant PURE ACT supports us in our work with sustainability.