
AG Advokat ranked by Legal 500
Legal 500 has recently published its 2021 ranking of Europe’s leading law firms. AG Advokat is once again ranked in its core practice areas including Real Estate, Construction and Public Procurement.
Legal 500, founded over 30 years ago, analyses and ranks law firms around the world. In addition to AG Advokat’s ranking in its core practice areas, many of the firm’s lawyers are recommended by Legal 500. Partner Johan Lindberg joins the Legal 500 Hall of Fame, partner Håkan Bjerle is distinguished as “Leading Individual” and partner Anders Skägg is ranked as a “Next Generation Partner”.
The research is in part based on client reviews. Comments include:
Real Estate (Tier 2)
‘I go to AG’s real estate team because they have the experience and expertise required for matters of a more complex nature. They are strong when it comes to complex cross-border/multiple jurisdiction real estate matters including transactions.’
Construction (Tier 2)
‘They have a thorough knowledge of the construction sector and in-depth experience of implementing new ideas and structures into the construction contracts which gives a competitive edge in relation to other real estate companies and decreases the risk of in vain costs in the case of termination of contracts. Furthermore, the team consists of several ambitious and impeccable members who are good at picking up the general and specific intentions that we as a client have and is able to convert those into applicable contract texts without long discussions and a lot of corrections. Their work is in general very efficient compared to many other firms.’
Public Procurement (Tier 3)
‘Viktoria Edelman and Anna Brengesjö are extremely competent in the area of public procurement, and also have an ability to give concise and clear advice that is solution-driven yet legally secure. High service level, good collaboration between the people in the team.’
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