
AG Advokat contributes to the Legal 500’s Q&A to real estate law in Sweden
In this country-specific Q&A lawyers Johan Lindberg and Måns Derk provide an overview of the legal framework and key issues surrounding real estate law in Sweden.
This chapter provides information about the current issues affecting real estate in Sweden and addresses topics such as ownership proof, due diligence, taxes, planning and zoning restrictions, mortgages and environmental contamination as well as insight and opinion on the most common issues in Sweden.
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AG Advokat contributes to ICLG construction and engineering publication
Partner Ola Ihse and associate Vincent Edberg have authored the Sweden-chapter of the recently published International Comparative Legal Guides’ (ICLG) 2022 publication on Construction and Engineering Laws and Regulations.

AG Advokat contributes to ICLG Construction and Engineering publication
The chapter covers common issues in construction and engineering laws and regulations – including making construction projects, supervising construction contracts, and dispute resolution.

AG Advokat contributes to the Legal 500 Country Comparative Guide – Construction
This guide, authored by Ola Ihse, Håkan Bjerle and Vincent Edberg, provides information about the current issues affecting construction in Sweden